ZNC Request
To request DarkServ.Network ZNC bouncers. Join our irc network and request a bouncer.
In order to request a free-znc !
type !request
-Free-ZNC Admins will gladly help you if needed. To check if an admin is ONLINE, please type !admins command in #DarkServ.Network.
You also can try !help Shows help for commands
Use "!help <command>" for full helpcontext.
Syntax: !help [<command>]
Example: !help request
Request Command for ZNC
To Request an ZNC account use the following format
!request <zncusername> <e-mail-address> <vhost>
!request Foo foo@bar.com
Our Vhost list can me found here
If you request been successful, you will get a notice by the bot saying the following
-Demobot-ZNC- Hey Nick-Name, your request for example-user is noticed and after confirm by an administrator you'll get an email with all needed data.
Please provide a valid email in order to get confirmation.
An available admin will approve your request and you will get the login detail via email.
Happy days! ;P