
From DarkWorld Network
Revision as of 07:32, 3 November 2021 by Error (talk | contribs)
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/* CSS placed here will be applied to all skins */
#p-tb { display: none; }

#mw-panel div.portal h3,
#mw-panel div.portal div.body ul li {
   font-size: 1.0em; /* default is 0.75em */

/**** SIDEBAR ****/
/* style the background of the sidebar section headers */
.mediawiki div#mw-panel div.portal h3 {
	font-size: 80%;
	padding: 0.5em;
	background-color: #777;
	border-radius: 2px;

/* text styles for sidebar headers */
.mediawiki div#mw-panel div.portal h3,
div#pageWrapper div#mw-panel h3 a {
	text-transform: uppercase;
	font-weight: bold;
	color: #fff;

/* remove underline on hover of collapsed sidebar headers */
#mw-panel.collapsible-nav .portal.collapsed h3:hover {
	text-decoration: none;

/* switch arrow image on collapsible sidebar headers */
.mediawiki div#mw-panel.collapsible-nav div.portal h3 {
	padding-left:calc(16px + 0.5em);
	background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns=%22 width=%2212%22 height=%2212%22 viewBox=%220 0 12 12%22%3E %3Cpath d=%22M11.05 3.996l-.965-1.053-4.035 3.86-3.947-3.86L1.05 3.996l5 5 5-5%22 fill=%22%23fff%22/%3E %3C/svg%3E");
	background-position: 0.5em center;

/* switch arrow image for collapsed headers */
.mediawiki #mw-panel.collapsible-nav .portal.collapsed h3 {
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns=%22 width=%2212%22 height=%2212%22 viewBox=%220 0 12 12%22%3E %3Cpath d=%22M11.05 3.996l-.965-1.053-4.035 3.86-3.947-3.86L1.05 3.996l5 5 5-5%22 transform=%22rotate(-90 6 6)%22 fill=%22%23fff%22/%3E %3C/svg%3E");

/* reset some default styles on sidebar sections */
#mw-panel.collapsible-nav .portal .body,
.mediawiki div#mw-panel div.portal div.body {
	background: transparent;
	margin-left: 0;

#mw-panel.collapsible-nav .portal .body ul,
div#mw-panel div.portal div.body ul {
	padding-top: 0;

/* style the background of the sidebar links */
#mw-panel.collapsible-nav .portal .body ul li,
div#mw-panel div.portal div.body ul li {
	padding: 0.35em 0.5em;
	margin: 0.25em 0;
	background: #000;
	border-radius: 2px;

/* text styles for sidebar links */
.mediawiki div#mw-panel div.portal div.body ul li a,
div#mw-panel.collapsible-nav div.portal div.body ul li a {
	color: #af6de8;

/* misc cleanups for social button section */
div#mw-panel div.portal#p-socialProfiles h3 {
	display: none;

.socialSidebar {
	width: 100%;

div#mw-panel.collapsible-nav div.portal#p-socialProfiles {
	margin: 0.25em;