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Here is a Simple eggdrop conf file.
<nowiki>###</nowiki>Here is a Simple eggdrop conf file.

<nowiki>#</nowiki> Eggdrop Configuraion Generator .# COPY AND PASTE THE BELOW CODE IN YOUR .CONF FILE #! ./eggdrop  
<nowiki>#</nowiki> Eggdrop Configuraion Generator .# COPY AND PASTE THE BELOW CODE IN YOUR .CONF FILE #! ./eggdrop  

Revision as of 13:13, 11 August 2022

###Here is a Simple eggdrop conf file.

# Eggdrop Configuraion Generator .# COPY AND PASTE THE BELOW CODE IN YOUR .CONF FILE #! ./eggdrop

### Core Settings ###

set admin "Admin NICK"

set nick "BOT NICK"

set altnick "ALT Bot Nick"

set realname "Eggdrop By NICK"

set network "darkworld"

set net-type "5"

set init-server { putserv "mode BOT NICK i" }

set default-port 6667

set servers { irc.darkworld.network ip6.darkworld.network german.darkworld.network }

set timezone "GMT"

set offset "0"

set env(TZ) "$timezone $offset"

set my-hostname "Sample.Vhost.That.You.Have"

set my-ip "ipv6 or IPv4"

### Logfile Settings ###

set max-logs 5

set max-logsize 0

set quick-logs 0

logfile mcobxs * "logs/BOT NICK.log"

logfile jkp #YourCHannel Name "

logs/#YourCHannel Name.log"

set log-time 1

set keep-all-logs 1

set logfile-suffix ""

set switch-logfiles-at 300

set quiet-save 0

### Console Settings ###

set console "mkcobxs"

### File & Directory Settings ###

set userfile "BOT NICK.user"

set pidfile "pid.BOT NICK"

set chanfile "BOT NICK.chan"

set force-expire 0

set share-greet 0

set use-info 1

set sort-users 0

set help-path "help/"

set text-path "text/"

set temp-path "/tmp"

set motd "text/motd"

set telnet-banner "text/banner"

set userfile-perm 0600

set mod-path "modules/"

### BotNet Settings ###

### SET BOTNET BOT NICK BELOW It can be same as your bot nick . Replace below "BOTNICK" with your actual bot nick .

set botnet-nick "BOTNICK"

#listen Telnet Port provide by shell E.g 3335 , put below listen 3335 all

listen 3335 all

all set remote-boots 0

set shareunlinks 0-

set protect-telnet 1

set dcc-sanitycheck 1

set ident-timeout 0

set require-p 1

set open-telnets 0

set stealth-telnets 0

set use-telnet-banner 0

set connect-timeout 30

set dcc-flood-thr 3

set telnet-flood 5:60

set paranoid-telnet-flood 1

set resolve-timeout 15

### Channel Settings ###

loadmodule channels

set global-flood-chan 4:5

set global-flood-deop 0:0

set global-flood-kick 0:0

set global-flood-join 4:05

set global-flood-ctcp 2:02

set global-flood-nick 5:20

set global-aop-delay 0:00

set global-idle-kick 0

set global-chanmode "nt"

set global-stopnethack-mode 0

set global-revenge-mode 0

set global-ban-time 0

set global-exempt-time 60

set global-invite-time 60

set global-chanset { -autoop -autovoice -bitch -cycle +dontkickops -dynamicbans +dynamicexempts +dynamicinvites -enforcebans -greet -inactive +nodesynch -protectfriends -protectops -revenge -revengebot -secret +seen +shared -statuslog +userbans +userexempts +userinvites -protecthalfops -autohalfop }

###ADD YOUR CHANNEL NAME BELOW e.g channel add#Darkworld

channel add #YourCHannel Name

{ chanmode "+tn" idle-kick 0 flood-chan 5:4 flood-join 5:10 flood-ctcp 3:60 flood-deop 0:0 flood-kick 0:0 } channel set #YourCHannel Name -enforcebans -dynamicbans -autoop -autovoice -protectops -protectfriends

### Advanced Settings ###

set ignore-time 5

set hourly-updates 00

## set owner"fizi" Replace "OwnerNickHere" with your nick

set owner "OwnerNickHere"

set notify-newusers "Telnet Port provide by shell"

set default-flags "hp"

set whois-fields "url birthday"

set die-on-sighup 0

set die-on-sigterm 1

unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl

unbind dcc n set *dcc:set

set must-be-owner 1

unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul

set max-dcc 50

set enable-simul 1

set allow-dk-cmds 1

set dupwait-timeout 5

### Module Settings ###

loadmodule dns

loadmodule transfer

loadmodule share

loadmodule server

loadmodule ctcp

loadmodule irc

loadmodule notes

loadmodule console

loadmodule blowfish

checkmodule blowfish

loadmodule uptime

set keep-nick 1

set strict-host 0

set quiet-reject 1

set lowercase-ctcp 0

set answer-ctcp 3

set flood-msg 5:5

set flood-ctcp 3:60

set never-give-up 1

set strict-servernames 0

set server-cycle-wait 60

set server-timeout 60

set servlimit 0

set check-stoned 1

set use-console-r 0

set debug-output 0

set serverror-quit 1

set max-queue-msg 300

set trigger-on-ignore 0

set double-mode 0

set double-server 0

set double-help 0

set optimize-kicks 1

set stack-limit 4

set ctcp-mode 0

set bounce-bans 1

set bounce-modes 0

set max-bans 100

set max-modes 30

set kick-fun 0

set ban-fun 0

set learn-users 0

set wait-split 600

set wait-info 180

set mode-buf-length 200

bind msg - ident *msg:ident

bind msg - addhost *msg:addhost

set no-chanrec-info 0

set bounce-exempts 0

set bounce-invites 0

set max-exempts 20

set max-invites 20

set prevent-mixing 1

set max-dloads 3

set dcc-block 1024

set copy-to-tmp 1

set xfer-timeout 30

set share-compressed 1

set max-notes 50

set note-life 60

set allow-fwd 0

set notify-users 1

set notify-onjoin 1

set console-autosave 1

set force-channel 0

set info-party 0

### Script Settings ###

source scripts/alltools.tcl

source scripts/action.fix.tcl

source scripts/cmd_resolve.tcl

source scripts/compat.tcl