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== Access levels == <!--T:1-->
These are the modes that grant a certain 'level' to a user.
{| class="wikitable"
!Channel mode
|Voice. This makes the user able to speak in +m/+M channels. User can also still speak if banned.
|May be set by +hoaq users
|Half-Op. Gives some of the usual channel operator rights, but not all. They are basically a light version of channel ops.
|May be set by +oaq users
|Channel Op. This is the channel operator privilege everyone knows about, allows the user to do almost all administrative tasks in a channel such as /KICK, /MODE, etc..
|May be set by +oaq users
|Channel Admin. A level above channel ops but with no special extra privileges except for one: people below chanadmin (so +h/+o) cannot KICK +a people.
|May be set by +q users
|Channel Owner. The highest level. Channel owners can't be kicked by any level below. Usually there's only one person with +q and the mode is set by services.
|Normal users can't set this
Note that often [[Services]] are used to manage +vhoaq lists in so called "access lists" or AOP/HOP/etc. Consult your services documentation.
=== Disabling levels ===
In UnrealIRCd 5 these are built-in modules that cannot be disabled. In UnrealIRCd 6 you can decide not to load a level by using [[blacklist-module directive|blacklist-module]], eg <code>blacklist-module "chanmodes/chanowner";</code> if you don't want <code>+q</code>.

Latest revision as of 09:39, 31 March 2022

This is the list of all user modes that can be set on a user. You can only set user modes on yourself and not on other users. Use the command: MODE yournick +modeshere.

User mode Module Description Restrictions
B usermodes/bot Marks you as being a bot. This will add a line to /WHOIS so people can easily recognize bots.
D usermodes/privdeaf Makes it so you can not receive private messages (PM's) from anyone except IRCOps, servers and services.
G usermodes/censor Swear filter: filters out all the "bad words" configured in the Badword block
H built-in Hide IRCop status. Regular users using /WHOIS or other commands will not see that you are an IRC Operator. IRCOp-only
i built-in Makes you so called 'invisible'. A confusing term to mean that you're just hidden from /WHO and /NAMES if queried by someone outside the channel. Normally set by default through set::modes-on-connect and often by the users' IRC client as well.
o built-in IRC Operator Set by server
p usermodes/privacy Hide channels you are in from /WHOIS, for extra privacy.
q usermodes/nokick Unkickable (only by U:lines, eg: services) IRCOp-only (but not all)
r built-in Indicates this is a "registered nick" Set by services
R usermodes/regonlymsg Only receive private messages from users who are "registered users" (authenticated by Services)
S usermodes/servicebot User is a services bot (gives some extra protection) Services-only
T usermodes/noctcp Prevents you from receiving CTCP's.
t built-in Indicates you are using a /VHOST Set by server upon /VHOST, /OPER, /*HOST, ..
W usermodes/showwhois Lets you see when people do a /WHOIS on you. IRCOp-only
w built-in Can listen to wallops messages (/WALLOPS from IRCOps')
x built-in Gives you a hidden / cloaked hostname.
Z usermodes/secureonlymsg Allows only users on a secure connection to send you private messages/notices/CTCPs. Conversely, you can't send any such messages to non-secure users either.
z built-in Indicates you are connected via SSL/TLS Set by server